Oversize Permits and Overweight Permits

Massachusetts' oversize and overweight trucking permits are issued by the Department of TRansportation routinely.

Length: 115′ - maximum load length on each routine trucking permit.

Width: 14′ 11″ wide is the limit on the regular permit.

Height: 14′ 11″ maximum height for routine permits.

Weight: Everything is based on the axle spacings. You will, however, max out at about 130,000 lbs, and after that, it’s seemingly a superload but you never recognize – axle spacings and routing is everything.

Overhang: Case by case basis. Figure seemingly around 12′ but may be more than that.


Any loads over 13′ 8″ require a route survey unless it is main road routing. There is no charge for a special handling permit for vehicles under following limitations: 12′ 0″ wide, 13′ 6″ height, 100′ in length, and 99,000 lbs maximum.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation issues Oversize/Overweight permits. You can order online or in person at:

Massachusetts Highway Trucking Permits Office
668 South Avenue
Weston, MA 02493